

Osho foi um indiano considerado Guru por uns e muito criticado por outros. Apresentou um approach holístico da vida, autor de muitos livros e passagens como esta a seguir.
A visão da aceitação das emoções por ele descrita vai ao encontro de outros mestres de diferentes filosofias. Certa vez fui a uma palestra de um monge budista e ao final lhe perguntei sobre o sentido da vida em busca da felicidade sob o ponto de vista do desapego, o que, sem surpresa, foi respondido no sentido de que o sofrimento e a felicidade são meros estados mentais, que vem e vão. Não há hierarquia entre sentimentos.
Outra filosofia que incentiva o contato com os sentimentos é relacionada ao Yôga, de modo que por meio da auto-observação devemos ser testemunhas constantes do nosso corpo, por dentro e por fora. Além disso, segundo a ciência do Ayurveda a pessoa em contato com as suas emoções evita doenças em estágio inicial. As emoções reprimidas se manifestam em planos menos sutis, até o desenvolvimento de dores e doenças.  

Vamos ao texto do Osho, no original: *********************************************
Somewhere there is that fear which makes me closed and hard and sad and desperate and angry and hopeless. It seems to be so subtle that I don’t even get really in touch with it. How can I see it more clearly?
The only problem with sadness, desperateness, anger, hopelessness, anxiety, anguish, misery, is that you want to get rid of them. That’s the only barrier.
You will have to live with them. You cannot just escape. They are the very situation in which life has to integrate and grow. They are the challenges of life. Accept them. They are blessings in disguise. If you want to escape from them, if you somehow want to get rid of them, then the problem arises – because if you want to get rid of something, you never look at it directly. And then the thing starts hiding from you because you are condemnatory; then the thing goes on moving deeper into the unconscious, hides in the darkest corner of your being where you cannot find it. It moves into the basement of your being and hides there. And of course the deeper it goes, the more trouble it creates – because then it starts functioning from unknown corners of your being and you are completely helpless.

So the first thing is: never repress. The first thing is: whatsoever is the case is the case. Accept it and let it come – let it come in front of you. In fact just to say “do not repress” is not enough. If you allow me, I would like to say, “Befriend it.”

You are feeling sad? Befriend it, have compassion for it. Sadness also has a being. Allow it, embrace it, sit with it, hold hands with it. Be friendly. Be in love with it. Sadness is beautiful! Nothing is wrong with it. Who told you that something is wrong in being sad? In fact only sadness gives you depth. Laughter is shallow; happiness is skin-deep. Sadness goes to the very bones, to the marrow. Nothing goes as deep as sadness.
So don’t be worried. Remain with it and sadness will take you to your innermost core. You can ride on it and you will be able to know a few new things about your being that you had never known before. Those things can be revealed only in a sad state, they can never be revealed in a happy state. Darkness is also good and darkness is also divine. The day is not only existence’s, the night is also. I call this attitude religious....

A person who can be patiently sad will suddenly find that one morning a happiness is arising in his heart from some unknown source. That unknown source is godliness. You have earned it if you have been truly sad; if you have been truly hopeless, desperate, unhappy, miserable, if you have lived in hell, you have earned heaven. You have paid the cost....

Confront life. Encounter life. Difficult moments will be there, but one day you will see that those difficult moments gave you strength because you encountered them. They were meant to be. Those difficult moments are hard when you are passing through them, but later on you will see they have made you more integrated. Without them you would never have been centered, grounded.
The old religions all over the world have been repressive; the new religion of the future is going to be expressive. And I teach that new religion…let expression be one of the most fundamental rules of your life. Even if you have to suffer for it, suffer. You will never be a loser. That suffering will make you more and more capable of enjoying life, of rejoicing in life.
Osho, The Art of Dying, Talk #10
Desse modo, o Osho propõe a aceitação dos sentimentos e a vivência de todas as emoções. Pessoalmente, eu noto que a sociedade contemporânea faz um apelo tão grande pela busca da felicidade que acaba gerando uma ansiedade muito grande nas pessoas. Isso gera muita auto-crítica nada construtiva, instituindo certos sentimentos como negativos e outros como positivos, fazendo com que em momentos de tristeza se torne mais difícil de ser superado. Um filme interessante sobre o tema felicidade é Hector, vide abaixo. Recomendo.

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